Get notifications / Mentions

Please use this (https://YOUR-SITE.COM/mobile_api/get_notifications) API for accessing the endpoint of fetching user notifications & mentions

Get parameters

Field Value Remarks
session_id ​Access token ID E.g. de25cc16eb00960f076...
type ​Notification type (notifs/mentions) E.g. `notifs`
page_size ​Total records limit for each request Recommended: 20
offset Last record offset ID This is only needed when loading records of the pagination system.

Success response

    "valid": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Fetched successfully",
    "data": [
        "id": 36,
        "notifier_id": 73,
        "recipient_id": 7,
        "status": "0",
        "subject": "subscribe",
        "entry_id": 73,
        "json": "[]",
        "time": "19 hours ago",
        "username": "thomas_dugelman",
        "avatar": "http://colibri.loc/upload/default/avatar.png",
        "verified": "1",
        "name": "Thomas Dugelman",
        "url": "http://colibri.loc/@thomas_dugelman"
        {"id": 35, "notifier_id": 43, "recipient_id": 7, "status": "0", "subject": "subscribe",…},
        {"id": 34, "notifier_id": 12, "recipient_id": 7, "status": "0", "subject": "subscribe",…},
        {"id": 33, "notifier_id": 58, "recipient_id": 7, "status": "0", "subject": "subscribe",…},
        {"id": 32, "notifier_id": 44, "recipient_id": 7, "status": "0", "subject": "subscribe",…}

Error responses

    "code": 401,
    "data": [],
    "message": "Unauthorized Access"

    "code": 404,
    "message": "No data found",
    "data": []

    "code": 400,
    "err_code": "invalid_request_data",
    "message": "The type of notification is missing or invalid. Please check your details",
    "data": []